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Diabetes and Weight Loss: Part 4 - Insulin Resistance

By Dr. Adam Carter, DPT, CF-L2, CSCS

A hallmark of diabetes is something called insulin resistance. This is where your body stops responding to the signal that insulin is sending which is to lower your blood sugar by transporting it to fat or muscle cells for storage. This happens slowly over time and if you watched the TED Talk on my previous week’s post, Dr. Hallberg mentions how people can be insulin resistant for decades prior to actually being diagnosed with diabetes. There are a couple of ways to decrease insulin resistance. First and foremost, as I have mentioned several times over the last month, is to stop eating foods that raise blood sugar which your body cannot tolerate at this time. Secondly and just as important, is to perform regular daily movement of moderate to high intensity in order to increase the insulin sensitivity of your storage cells. Now I’m not saying you have to workout for an hour. That would be great if you did, but ANY movement is a great start. I tell many of my patients to do 30-60 seconds of squats prior to every meal and to walk 10 minutes after each meal. Both of these suggestions have been researched and found to reduce post-prandial (after a meal) blood sugar levels. And if you’re only eating 1-2 times per day that’s less squats and walking you have to do. All the more reason to not eat from wake to sleep if you ask me. Are you insulin resistant and just don’t know it? Why not test it out and see. Check your fasting blood sugar first thing in the morning (should be under 100) and then two hours after you eat a meal (should be under 120). If you’re missing those marks, it may be time to implement some strategies to increase insulin sensitivity. Questions? Shoot me a DM or leave a comment.

Until then...



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